Full Member

Biomedical / Clinical Engineer, Technologist or Physicist employed in healthcare, academia or industry and eligible to apply to be a Certified Clinical Engineering Practitioner.


For biomedical/clinical engineering, healthcare technologist or medical physicists employed in healthcare, academia or industry who are on the voluntary certification scheme, (CORU registered*), hold appropriate professional registration or for those employed in academia with a PhD.

Becoming a Full BEAI Member clearly demonstrates your commitment to pursuing the very best in professional achievement in practice, standards, research and development as set out in the BEAI Code of Professional Conduct and BEAI Standards of Proficiency.

To be eligible for Full Membership, you must be:

A biomedical/clinical engineer, technologist or physicist employed in healthcare, academia or industry and eligible to apply to be a Certified Clinical Engineering Practitioner.

To be a Full Member, you must comply with the BEAI Code of Professional Conduct and Ethics and undertake the required CPD. Full members can apply for status as a Certified Clinical Engineering Practitioner (after 1st Jan. 2027).

In addition to the benefits of Associate Membership, a BEAI Full Member will also:

Be able to use the post-nominal mBEAI for professional recognition and as an indicator of professional status

As a BEAI Full Member you can:

  • Apply for senior BEAI posts such as Chairperson, Honorary Secretary or Honorary Treasurer
  • Apply to join the many committees and panels that plan, organise and carry out work on behalf of BEAI, acquiring new skills and competencies
  • Join the editorial board of our member journal
  • Apply to join one of BEAI’s Special Interest Groups (SIGs)
  • Participate in a range of ‘micro’ volunteering opportunities that can be carried out from your desk

Annual Fees

Full Membership: €50
Membership covers one calendar year

Apply for Full Membership

Once your application is submitted, the following will happen:

  • You will get an automated email to confirm that your application has been received.
  • Your application will then be forwarded to the BEAI membership team for consideration at their next meeting.
  • If your application is deemed suitable, you will be notified by email and supplied a password link to the Member’s Area on the BEAI website.
  • When you login for the first time, you will be prompted to enter your payment details for the first year’s membership fee.
  • Once you pay, you will have full access to the Member’s Area, including the CPD section and other resources.
Apply Now