Member Benefits
Benefits | Affiliate | Associate | Full Member | Student | Retired |
Membership brings you discounts on our conferences & education events. | |||||
News and updates from the worlds of biomedical/clinical engineering, healthcare technology & medical physicists delivered directly to your inbox weekly, including opportunities for professional development, conferences, and much, much more. | |||||
BEAI Prizes and Awards recognise leading contributions of individual BEAI members to the advancement of their profession, in the application of physics and engineering to medicine and biology. | |||||
Membership provides excellent learning and development services to help meet the needs of our professional community of engineers, technologists & physicists working in medicine and biology in hospitals, academia and industry. | |||||
The BEAI MEMBERS AREA can be used to plan, evidence and record CPD and to progress towards defined competency standards such as the Certified Clinical Engineering Practitioner. | |||||
Career opportunities curated and delivered direct to you fortnightly so you never miss an opportunity. | |||||
Certification is open to fulll members who are meeting the standards of proficiency requirements set out by the BEAI, whether they are working in healthcare, academia or industry. | |||||
Associate and Full Memberships of BEAI gives you a voice in shaping the future of our profession as we aim to champion the importance of professional knowledge and innovation, identifying and raising awareness of the key challenges that lie ahead for physics and engineering in medicine and biology, and being a trusted and effective voice for the profession and our members. | |||||
SPECTRUM is BEAI's quarterly members' journal, published in spring, summer, autumn and winter, and is available in both print and digital editions. | |||||
Online access to SPECTRUM is available to members of all levels and can be accessed anywhere, anytime, and from any device. | |||||
BEAI’s SIGs facilitate discussions, conferences and publications and lead on activity across a number of distinct areas of scientific or engineering endeavour. SIGs work across diverse areas of medical physics and clinical engineering and play a vital role in BEAI’s work. | |||||
Full Members may apply for senior BEAI posts such as Chairperson, Honorary Secretary or Honorary Treasurer. | |||||
Each member is contributing to the support and development of Biomedical and Clinical Engineering within Ireland and internationally, by enabling the BEAI to participate as a full member of the IFMBE. | |||||
BEAI membership opens the door to networking opportunities and information sharing | |||||