Spectrum is a scientific journal produced by the BEAI three times a year. Members receive a free copy in the post and can view a digital version in Spectrum Archives.
The primary aim of the journal is to provide a forum for our members to publish their latest projects, research and experiences in Biomedical/Clinical Engineering, thereby offering an invaluable educational tool to our membership. It is also an excellent forum for our corporate members to advertise their services and products.
The journal has proven popular as a medium to display news items from around the country keeping our members up to date with the latest news/events in the Biomedical Engineering world.
Spectrum is a highly regarded journal in the world of Biomedical Engineering and Healthcare in Ireland. Maximise your exposure by advertising to our audience. The Spectrum Journal is circulated to all members of the BEAI, Biomedical Engineers working in the public and private sector, Technical Service Managers, HR Managers, HSE Procurement Staff, College Lecturers etc.
For Corporate advertisements, please contanct IFP Media; Mr John Sheehan – IFP Advertising Manager.