08 April 2024

Global Clinical Engineering Journal


The Global Clinical Engineering Journal Vol.6 Issue 2 is out. The main focus of this edition is sustainable procurement of medical devices, Healthcare Providers’ Readiness to Address Medical Device Cybersecurity within the Irish Healthcare System and so on. You can read the journal here

Public Service Data Strategy Survey


Across Europe the Irish Public Service has continued to lead the way in data and digital innovation. In the recent OECD Digital Government Index, Ireland placed in the top three for a Data Driven Public Service. This success is as a result of the vision set out in the Public Service Data Strategy 2019-2023 to deliver a more joined-up whole-of-government approach to the use of data across the Public Service. With a continued focus on data reuse and Government priorities in relation to climate and data driven innovation you are asked to reflect your organisations current and future data priorities.

You are invited to provide your views on the next Public Service Data Strategy 2024-2027. The Data Governance Unit, OGCIO in the Department of Public Expenditure, NDP Delivery and Reform (DPENDR), may seek further meetings with you to clarify your responses. 

Visit their website to participate in the survey.

Call for Abstracts - EMBEC 2024


EBME are now accepting only Abstract submissions. Full paper submission in closed. Accepted abstract-only contributions will be published in the Conference Programme and Abstracts Book.

Instructions for authors of short abstracts:

Abstract title length must not exceed 200 characters (including spaces).*

The Body of abstract: the length must not exceed 3000 characters (including spaces) or 400 words, whichever is reached first.* Please do not include figures, tables, equations or references and refrain from using formatted text (bold, italic,…) in the abstract.

Keywords: while submitting, provide also 3 to 5 keywords (to be entered separately, not as a part of the abstract).

* Note that these are hard limits that the submission system will apply. This means that any text copy-pasted from another document will be automatically truncated to the maximum allowed length.

Visit their website to submit the abstract.

National Health and Social Care Professions Office Newsletter


National Health and Social Care Professions Office has issued the spring newsletter. This edition gives an update on various events, projects and publications that NHSCP is been a part of. Please see attached newsletter.
BEAI Job Adverts


Visit the jobs section of the BEAI for more information.

If you would like to advertise a job on the BEAI website, please contact comms@beai.ie



19 Jul 2024
19 Jul 2024
15 Jul 2024
05 Jul 2024

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The Biomedical / Clinical Engineering Association of Ireland (BEAI) is a company limited by guarantee and not having a share capital. Company Registration no. 484921.

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For general information, including registration, please contact us at:

  • 8 Priory Office Park, Stillorgan Road,
  • Blackrock, Co Dublin, Ireland,
  • A94 EE95